Deacon Family Ministry
    Active Deacons
What is Deacon Family Ministry?
Because we care for you and your family, the pastor and deacons of Forbush Baptist Church are committed to the Deacon Family Ministry Plan. We want to make sure that every member and family in our church experience the love and support of the whole congregation. We want to be known throughout our community as a loving and caring church.

Through the Deacon Family Ministry Plan, the deacons join the pastor and church staff in ministering to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of each church member and family. The resident church families are divided into equal groups by last name. Each group of families is then assigned to a deacon who will minister to them for a period of one year. After one year, they rotate family assignments.

A part of each deacons meeting is spent praying about specific needs of families and in rejoicing over needs met and victories won. Another part of the meeting may be used in developing deacons' skills in ministering to family needs.

In the Deacon Family Ministry Plan, every member and every family have a deacon assigned to you. Feel free to contact your deacon. Your deacon will seek to help you or connect you to another person who can.

How Can My Deacon Serve My Family?
Personal Visits & Contacts
Your deacon cares about you and wants to get to know you. You deacon will contact you at times throughout the year if someone in your family is in the hospital or you have a sorrow or sickness in the home.

Helping you Witness to Unsaved Family Members
One of your deacon's chief concerns is that every member of your family knows Jesus Christ as Savior.

Rejoicing with You & Your Family
Your deacon will share your joy when you celebrate important events or accomplishments in your life.

Being Your Friend
As your deacon listens to your troubles and concerns, you will know someone who cares.

Offering Support in Times of Crisis
Sometimes your deacon can help you through the crisis by listening and giving support. Other times your deacon will know someone else or a community agency that can help.

Answering Faith Questions
Your deacon will try to answer these questions for you.

Helping You Connect
Your deacon will encourage you to participate in social occasions when families in the assigned group or other church members get together for fun and fellowship.

Helping You Find Ways to Serve
Your deacon will watch for opportunities for you to use the talents, skills and spiritual gifts God has given you.

Praying for You & With You
Believing that you are important and believing in the power of prayer, your deacon will join with the pastor and other deacons in praying for you and each member of your family.

This information was adapted from the pamphlet, "How Can a Deacon help You?" © Copyright 1979 LiveWay Press • Sixth Printing • October 2006
Tim Turner, Chair (2019)
Serving Families T - Z
Ronnie Carter (2023)
Serving Families O - S
Sam Eddleman (2019)
Serving Families E - J

TBD ( )
Serving Families K - N
  TBD ()
Serving Families A - D
Inactive Deacons
Tim Carter
Stephen McGuire
Phillip Wooten